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Iris Hume

Supporter of the Quarter

Iris and her husband Barney are our first ever Champions from Northern Ireland. Iris has worked as a nurse for 43 years and is currently a MS specialist nurse based in the Ulster Hospital in Belfast. She has been tirelessly adapting and caring for some of the most vulnerable in our society, continuing to offer consultations via zoom to care for her patients’ needs.
I’m sure you’ll join us in thanking Iris and the thousands of other health care and NHS workers who have kept us safe and cared for us so well, especially over the last year.

Not only does Iris professionally care for people in her work life, but she and her husband Barney are continually looking for ways to love and support others around them through their generosity. Iris became a Champion because as a mother she was very aware of the need to support our children, families and communities better. Iris has heard of the impact of the Flourish Project through her son who currently works with the project to promote it in his local area.

Thank you:
Thank you for partnering with us Iris, and for championing children, families and communities. Without your partnership and support we know we couldn’t have had the impact we have had over the last three months in numerous local communities.